Karina's Remedies: Back to Automn

Time to head back to school! The start of a new school year is the time to adopt good habits to stay healthy. We give the leave the floor to our naturopath Karina who’ll advise how to maintain good physical condition and performance.

It all starts with sleeping well. This is essential so as to be at the top of your physical and intellectual abilities. Lack of sleep leads to fatigue, loss of concentration, greater stress and irritability. Recovery and recuperation takes place while you sleep. So it’s therefore important to sustain and monitor the quality of your sleep by going to bed early (before 10pm!) two to three times a week in order to recharge your batteries far more efficiently.

After the freedom of the holidays, you should start eating more balanced meals, especially as the body needs to recharge its batteries and strengthen its immune defences during the autumn and winter seasons. It’s time to give your body the nutrients it needs for tone and reproduction! To maintain the brain, you to need to ensure an adequate intake of fatty acids with salad dressings made from olive oil (Omega 6 and 9) mixed with rapeseed, linseed or walnut oil (Omega 3 ). To prevent stress and fatigue, eat green vegetables, nuts, whole grains, seeds (sunflower, sesame, pumpkin …), sprouted seeds and dried fruits (dates, apricot …) for snacking. Not forgetting the vitamin C from fresh fruit and vegetables to strengthen your immune system.

Even at summer’s end, the sun’s still shining. Make the most of it and take advantage of this natural light for proper harmonisation of the body and the synthesis of vitamin D. The best way of doing this is with a bike ride which is also good for health, morale and form!

Wearing bright and cheerful colours will put you in a good mood and set you up for the day. The ambience created by such colours has a regulating effect on our bodies. Be bright and colourful in G4 and don’t forget our range of matching accessories to improve your comfort and to help you manage the temperature variations at this time of year.

Wishing you an excellent return to full form!


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