Test of the new G4 winter jacket by Petra Harangi

G4 Dimension has released its latest winter cycling jacket, a jacket that is as thin as it is light and yet one of the most insulating winter jackets designed by G4. After the holidays, Petra Harangi put it to use during a cycling trip with friends and gave us her opinion on this new jacket called Fever.

Fever, jacket that lives up to its name

Like most cyclists in winter, we are afraid of catching cold on our bikes and put as many layers as possible on our bodies to make sure we are warm during our training. The new Fever cycling jacket provides total warmth retention with three layers of cold resistant WARM+ fabric and a fleece inner lining.

Ideal cycling outfit for winter cycling

Petra still felt that this was not enough, so she decided to combine her Fever jacket with a cycling undershirt and a long sleeve jersey, a mistake she soon regretted… Petra tells us about her experience: “At first I was afraid of being cold (…) after 30 minutes I was already too hot (…) I took off my cycling jersey and put it in the back pocket of my jacket (…) the under shirt and the jacket were more than enough”.

Like a second skin…

The insulation and warmth of the jacket were not the only surprises for Petra. Petra says: “I wondered how such a thin and light jacket could be so warm. The main advantage of the Fever jacket is its lightness and freedom of movement on the bike. In the ribs and back, an ultra-stretchy fabric has been used for a comfort found nowhere else.

Light and warm cycling jacket for winter rides

A colourful cycling jacket for winter

The originality and design of the Fever jacket also make it authentic. Inspired by the 90’s, Fever has bold colours that stand out: “When my friends saw me, they all said ‘oh wow, it’s good to see colour’ and it’s true that it’s a change from a classic cycling jacket and that’s what we’re looking for!

Colourful and warm winter cycling jacket

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