Saint Valentine's day, why?

Every year Valentine’s Day is a special celebration and some will say commercial, way too commercial!

  • There are draft resisters on one side, who do not want to hear about it. “No Valentine’s Day is a hoax!”
  • On the other side, some more moderate do not think less but still take the time to offer a delicate thoughtfulness … “with 1 rose I am ok for 6 months, let’s go I buy 10 and red!
  • Others still forget the event because finally the love is celebrated every day in a couple and well beyond, then on February 14 … “dear, we love each other and it is for the rest of the life, yes it’s true sweetheart!”
  • Finally, some play the trick and celebrate it properly (or not) this moment by sharing it!

But where does Valentine’s Day come from?

Brief retrospective:
In ancient times, this celebration was called the “Lupercalia”, a Roman event in which we celebrated the fertility itself and the fertility of women also. At the beginning, Valentine’s Day was for single people, they focused on single women to make them “fertile”. Then over the centuries, this celebration turned into a beautiful romantic image of Love with a big L.

The 4 reasons by G4 to celebrate Valentine’s day

Jambières G4
  • The first reason that comes to mind at G4 because we love our job and the bike! Well this is the opportunity to ride in love!

You are a sporty couple and cyclists? Suit up for an unprecedented outing and share the best bike time of the year with your partner! Don’t try on the old trick about the car breaking down because you have to finish the day in a good restaurant as a reward with the effort.

  • Bike shopping day as a second reason!

You usually share everything, even shopping and you are inseparable? This is the moment to delight your companion by coming to see us at the G4 Showroom and offer him/her the garment of his/her dream! We will gladly wait for you and we will advise you with great pleasure!

  • 3rd reason: discover a new type of pleasure!

You do not like fairy tales with rose water, “restaurant, roses, and gifts” but you like to enjoy differently! We found the solution … it is sporty, of course and a bit naughty! Enjoy February 14th to train after work in the indoor studio of our partner Summit cycle in Paris! You will get fun with your beloved one!

Then make some G4 shopping with our POP UP STORE installed in the studio … if you still have some energy!

  • Finally the 4th reason, some already know what it is coming…. Enjoying celibacy!

Who said Valentine’s Day was meant for couples?

The best advice we can give you? A good bike ride wearing G4, to show his/her friends the latest cycling collection in fashion, with of course the stop CAFÉ OFFICIEL: coffee / speculos / terrace / sun, (well that’s for us French southerners … we always talk about the sun) and finally nothing like a good evening with cyclist friends chatting about cycling!

For you ladies, same program except that there are 2 coffee breaks because of the pee break due to the first coffee! But no problem, at G4 no straps on our long tights! Useful, isn’t it?

Finally, let’s keep the bike aside and put on high heels for a night out between girls. And who knows maybe; you will meet the cyclist of your dreams in the group of gentlemen with friends who speaks a (little) bit about their cycling feats!

Happy Valentine’s Day to all! Because we know at G4 everyone loves everything and we love everyone who loves!

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