Your revitalization and your dietary supplements

After the detox cure of our previous article “OUR DETOX IDEAS”, we are talking about revitalization. What is his interest? Why G4, The high-end cycling brand advises you a revitalization?

The G4’s brand was created by a professional cyclist Geoffroy Lequatre. His point of view about dietetics and his lifestyle was essential to his career as a top cyclist.

The following tips are based on his experience, they are in agreement with Karina his friend Naturopath.

At this time of year and with the approach of spring, a revitalization cure is recommended because the body that has eliminated a large part of its waste, is weakened. The revitalization cure has for the primary goal is to boost vital energy by limiting the burden of toxins and filling the gaps, while the detox course aims to cleanse the body by eliminating this load of toxins.

This revitalization cure revolves around 4 essential points.

– Food recommending the  physiological and hypotoxic diet.

– Remineralization and correction of deficiencies vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, enzymes, proteins…

– Physical activity in nature.

– Restful sleep and relaxation.

In the revitalization treatment diet is nutritional in order to give the body everything it needs to perform its functions as well as the clogging as little as possible while during the detox cure. diet is dietary, polluting foods are restricted to release toxins, lodged deep in the body.

A hypotoxic diet and high vitality is therefore to adopt. It consists of:

– 70% vegetables and fruit, grains and oilseeds  (alkaline foods (basifying).

– 30% of animal and sub-animal products: meat, fish, seafood, eggs, goat milk products or ewes (acidic foods).

– A portion of raw food at each meal (raw vegetables, vegetable juices, fruit meals…).

Cooking food causes loss of micronutrients and digestive enzymes from the food. In case of cooking, sweet steam or wok cooking is preferred. And for the fragile intestines, add a little bit of raw wine, taking time to chew well.

It is important to point out that raw foods that are so alive (biogenic and bioactive) bring energy to our bodies, while cooked, long-stored or frozen foods (bio static foods) slow down life and take energy to our body for digestion and disposal of the waste they bring.

– Refined and denatured products are removed or restricted to a minimum.

– The excitants like coffee, tea, alcohol, sodas, tobacco are to be avoided too.

The goal is to increase the vital energy by finding an acid-base balance (thus remineralizing) that will buffer the acidity, developed by our modern and sedentary lifestyles: oxidative and non-physiological nutrition, cosmetic and chemical products, pollution,stress etc.

To make up for the deficiencies, it is important to rebalance the intakes of micronutrition (protein, lipids, carbohydrates), introduce the polyunsaturated fatty acids that are often too little present and then target the micronutrient deficiencies (vitamins and minerals).

Bridging the mineral deficiencies:Algae (Klamath, spiruline), vegetables and root vegetable juices (carrots, beets, …), green vegetables and aromatic plants (spinach, watercress, parsley), cabbage, broccoli .., sprouted seeds, dried fruits, oilseeds (a small handful a day is enough)…

In vitamins: Acerola, sea buckthorn, rosehip, fruit, sprouted seeds, vegetables and colorful vegetable juice, freshwater algae (spirulina), brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, cod liver oil…

In enzymes: Seeds sprouted kombucha…

In hormones:Pollen, royal jelly, blackcurrant, sage, soy…

In Proteins : Oilseeds, spirulina…

In lipids : Olives, avocados, oleaginous…

And in carbohydrates : Dried fruit, honey, molasses …

And in probiotics: kefir, kombucha, fermented foods, vegetables…

There are so many food supplements in pharmacies and organic stores today that we sometimes do not know how to choose. To avoid making a mistake and in the absence of a medical diagnosis, it is preferable to choose bioavailable dietary supplements such as seawater (Quinton marine plasma) for its richness in minerals and trace elements.

It is important to remember, however, that it is the foods that must essentially bring us minerals.

I invite you to consult your naturopath who will be able to note possible deficiencies and to elaborate with you a program of remineralization followed and most appropriate.

A physical activity in the open air and daily and essential. The cycling sport improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and pulmonary system and ensures the good muscular development (a good energy support) but also better stress management.

A well-being at the same time physical and mental, by the secretion of hormones such as endorphin which generates a real sensation of tone and pleasure.

Sleep is relaxation is essential, it is during the rest that our body regenerates and repairs. We often tend to neglect rest while it is one of our most valuable health tools.

Finally, all these various tools of revitalization, we must add regular contact with nature, the sun, natural light, quality human relations, positivism!

We wish you a very good health and we are convinced that after this cure your shape, tone and morale will be good, get back on the road with your “engine” clean and powerful!

And finally, we want to thank Karina for this article !

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